
IronGlove Studio's Year In Review On Clutch For 2021

IronGlove Studio’s Year In Review On Clutch For 2021


Derek, the founder of IronGlove Studio, is a seasoned PHP developer and entrepreneur with a strong background in web development, software architectures, and organizational consulting. With a BA in Business and Communications and an MS in Organizational Psychology, he expertly guides strategic marketing initiatives, builds client relationships, and manages projects. As a military veteran, Derek brings the same level of commitment to his agency work, helping organizations overcome operational challenges through the strategic implementation of web and software technologies.

At IronGlove Studio®, we provide mainstream services with real-world solutions for corporate, government, and public organizations. As a boutique agency, IronGlove Studio® provides grounded, data-driven solutions with the personalized attention only found with freelancers.

With that said, we are proud to share with you our 2021 Year In Review on Clutch. For context, Clutch is a B2B ratings and reviews platform based in Washington, DC. They evaluate technology service and solutions companies based on the quality of work, thought leadership, and client reviews.

In 2021, our reviews on Clutch averaged a perfect 5-star rating. These reviews validate our 100% commitment to every project we take. Furthermore, a metric that is essential in Clutch’s year in review is the NPS score. This refers to a client’s willingness to recommend a service provider to their friends and colleagues. Receiving such highly-rated reviews and NPS scores is genuinely gratifying, and we attribute this to our awesome clients.

In addition to our year in review, we are also proud to share that in 2021 we earned a spot on Clutch’s prestigious leaders’ list as one of the top e-commerce developers in Portland. 2021 was a challenging year, but we are looking forward to what 2022 will bring.
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IronGlove Studio's Year in Review on Clutch for 2021

"As a small agency owner and PHP developer here in the Northwest, I’m very pleased to be recognized for my team’s efforts in providing professional solutions to manufacturers and others in the business community. We’re a younger company in Oregon, but we’re proving to be an effective and reliable partner that can handle the quality and complexity required for industrial projects while being guided by data-driven methods. We also enjoy networking and gaining referrals from our larger agency firms that know and trust us with subcontracting opportunities that allow us to grow as a company and as individuals. All of us are on this journey together, so we appreciate the support."

Derek Neuts, Founder, IronGlove Studio®

Do you have a project in mind? Send us a message today!

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